Above the knee, at the knee, or below the knee? Tank tops or spaghetti strap? Long shorts, loose pants, or flowing skirts? What is modest? Does everyone get to make their own rules?
Let’s lay down some practical guidelines for creating a modest wardrobe. Instead of making a long list of measurements and rules for shirts and skirts, I have distilled it down to one image that you can always trust. Read on to find out the answer to What is Modest?
The essence of modesty is less about lengths and widths and more about its definition, modesty means not drawing attention to yourself.
This can be seen in how one dresses and how one behaves. I think both are crucial to a Christ-like character, but today we are focusing on dress.
I used to think that modest clothes were all about covering the basic parts of the feminine anatomy. But that leaves a lot out there for viewing.
So I progressed from that to seeing modesty as covering up skin in general. That being said, pants covered my legs, therefore pants must be modest.
Now you will have to bear with me, I am not on a “pant rant”, but I am trying to explain how I have come to exclude them from my closet.
I evolved from only looking to cover skin, to also trying to not accentuate feminine curves. Pants, unless they are quite loose fitting, accentuate the posterior and the shape of the leg. They also draw attention to your crotch area, something I had never considered before.

When I came to this point, I realized I had 2 options.
Option 1: I could wear what one might call, “slacks”, a loose-fitting wide-styled pant.
Option 2: I could wear skirts.
I personally would rather wear a skirt. I think it’s more becoming, feminine and youthful.
There really shouldn’t be a huge variety of answers to What is Modest?
One answer for all women and all types of clothes will make this easier and more consistent.
It can be summed up in this illustration:

The principle of having my clothes, drop away from my feminine form as opposed to hugging it around the bottom of each curve became my guiding light.
Taking the principle of “skimming over and not hugging” your curves take the guesswork out of shopping for dresses, skirts, and shirts!
Never again did I have to buy something only to return or walk out the door with misgiving about the modesty of my attire.
I have confidence now that I have followed the Lord’s guidance to this point and will follow wherever He leads next!
Instead of having a list of measurements and guidelines, one rule applies to all varieties of garments.
It may seem to limit at first, but if you find yourself resisting pray about it and the Lord will give you the courage to stand apart and to be his peculiar treasure.
Think also on the Christian’s prerogative to be a light to the world, to draw men to the Savior. This is done with much better results when we take our own bodies out of focus so he can more clearly shine through.
If you have been convicted to edit your wardrobe but need some inspiration on how dressing in skirts could look on a regular basis could look, check out these popular posts!