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Tips For Transitioning Your Closet

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When we decide to reform our wardrobes we can’t always afford to make a huge donation to a local charity store and re-buy a closet’s worth of clothes.

Although we might wish we could! You can expect at least a year or two where you don’t feel like you’ve entirely figured out what you want.

I have gone through several “mini” reforms through the years following my first collective decision to dress according to Bible guidelines.

Just last week I edited out a few tops that had too blousy of a neckline.

I also handed down 2 skirts to my slimmer daughter. They were both pencil skirts, although one was a huge favorite of mine for summer wear, I realized it did not follow the rule of dropping away from my curves.

Pencil skirts tend to do that. I think I’m over them.

So how can we get the most mileage out of what we have?

Here are some quick tips

Skirt Extenders. If you have some skirts already, but they are a little too short you can buy skirt extenders! These can double as a cute feature to an otherwise plain dress or skirt!

Chemisettes. Here’s a neat item that attaches to your bra straps and covers what your shirt or dress leaves exposed!

Not the catchiest name, but certainly useful! Also handy in warm months when you don’t want to feel like you are wearing 2 layers.

Half Tees. I recently bought 2 of these. I used to have a lot of sleeveless dresses that now I wish I would have thought to keep.

Wearing these under any sleeveless dress or shirt makes for so many more keepable clothing items! They are super cute under a spaghetti strap dress too!

-Plastic Tote. Don’t try to wear this item but do go out and get one! I have found that I sometimes get rid of an article of clothing only to regret it later.

I have since started keeping a tote in my closet of things that are “If-y”. Sometimes they make a comeback and I’m glad I kept it! Lately, I have been able to pass things on to my girls, which they think is AWESOME.

-Still, small voice.If you try on something and you are uncertain as to its level of modesty (too tight, too low, too short), GO WITH THAT FEELING. If you find yourself justifying the item realize that the Lord is giving you the impression so don’t plug your ears!

Not too sure what your standards should be? Check out this post:

What Does the Bible Say About Modesty?

Ask an honest friend or family member. The first person I ask is my husband. Let’s face it; men look at women differently than women see themselves. He will always steer me right.

Buy just the basics. As you replace and rework your wardrobe, you probably will have to buy a few things, or a lot of things depending on what you had to work with!

When you do make time to look for clothes stick to the basics. Pick things that are flexible for different seasons and activities. Knit maxi skirts in plain colors, a denim skirt or two.

HERE is a link to my favorite place to buy denim skirts!

Looking for a DEAL? Here’s a recent post about what Amazon has to offer.

Best Denim Skirts on Amazon

Keep a cheerful attitude! Remember the Lord loves a cheerful giver, and this isn’t just for tithe and offering! You are giving Him control of what you wear; to glorify him in how you dress the body he has given you!

Keep your heart glad, pray for wisdom and for bargains! I speak from experience when I say He will honor those prayers!

For more modest clothes inspiration, subscribe to my blog! Each new post will be conveniently sent to your email!

Feel free to contact me if you need to ask a question or if you are just feeling lonely in this process.

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The Counter Culture Closet