The Holiday season is coming swiftly upon us. This is always a matter of conversation and prayer for our family.
The world around us gets caught up in a whirlwind of celebrations and activities from October until January. How should Christians participate in the holidays or should we just keep our heads down and ignore it all?
Unless you are going to live remotely and exclude all forms of media from your home (which if you do more power to you!) your children will see and feel the excitement of these months and want a piece of it.
This is going to be a series of posts that will give families and homeschool moms ideas on enjoying the holidays with your children in a way that builds up their values and principles.
My favorite Author gives this advice, in speaking of the holidays she counsels, “I saw that our holidays should not be spent patterning after the world, yet they should not be passed by unnoticed, for this will bring dissatisfaction to our children.” AH472.1
Should christians participate in the holidays? Yes. But it needs to look VERY different from how the world celebrates.
So stay tuned as we apply Bible counsel to each holiday to determine how best to spend the time. I will cover each Holiday separately and each post will link to here in case you miss one!